East Words
Showcasing some of London's best poetry and talent, join us to hear six of London's top poets at the Museum in Docklands on 2nd October 2008.
Christopher Horton lives and works in London. His poems have been published (or are forthcoming) in Iota, Dream Catcher, Other Poetry and Ambit as well as other magazines. He has written a number of reviews, including for The London Magazine.
Richard Tyrone Jones hosts popular poetry night 'Utter!' on the lastWednesday of the month at the Salisbury Pub, N4, and the last Sundayof the month at the Arcola Theatre, Dalston. His poems, stories andarticles have appeared in The Fix, Rising, Brittle Star, Delinquentand Trespass magazines and Tales of the Decongested Vol II. His firstbook, 'Germline' is forthcoming in late 2008.